Biolight, cattle farming, belching, farting, manure, urea, CH4, CO2, NH3, N2O, N2,
nitrification, denitrification
1. Biolight clean, contamination free, energetic, healthy, living, vital drinking water for cattle reduces belching, farting, thereby reducing the CH4 emission. It also reduces udder inflammation and increases milk production.
It makes cattle happy and significantly calms them down.
2. Separated manure and urine collection and careful spreading of both products on the land prevent the formation and consequently the release of Ammonia (NH3), thereby significantly reducing NH3 air pollution.
A cow's belching contains CH4, as well as the farting.
As a greenhouse gas, Methane (CH4) is more than twenty times stronger than CO2.
A cow's excrement is used as fertilizer for arable land.
Ammonia (NH3) is formed as soon as manure and urine are in direct contact with each other. Part of the NH3 releases into air directly, most of the balance will evaporate when spreading the mix on the land.
As a greenhouse gas, this substance is more than 310 (!) Times stronger than CO2:
If protein-rich feed is given, the stable manure also has a higher Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid content.
Urea is pure Nitrogen. It is usually made chemically in the factory.
In 2004, 127 million tons of Urea were produced worldwide.
Initially, Natural gas (CH4) is cracked to produce Hydrogen gas.
Subsequently, Ammonia (NH3) is made with Nitrogen gas from air.
The Ammonia (NH3) + CO2 is converted ultimately into
Urea H2N-COONH4.
These two materials are combined under high pressure and elevated temperatures to form Ammonium Carbamate, which then decomposes at much lower pressure to yield Urea and Water.
Urea, also called Carbamide, the Di-amide of Carbonic Acid:
Ammonium Carbamate | NH4CO2NH2 or CH6N2O2
Urea | CH6N2O2 > CH4N2O + H2O
The manufacturing process of Urea emits a lot of CO2.
The farmer can collect the Urea for free.
Manure reacts with urine, which results among other things in the composition of Ammonia (NH3). But if you separate pee and poo from cows or pigs, no Ammonia is formed and consequently no Ammonia is released.
Plants absorb Nitrate (NO3-), which is formed in the soil from Urea by bacteria (Nitrification). Remaining Nitrate (NO3-) and Nitrite (NO2-) are converted by bacteria into NO and N2O and further into N2 (Denitrification), which is part of the (unpolluted) air we breathe.