The enormous health problems in the form of Legionnaires' disease can affect the lungs through inhaled moist air, spray mist, or even through the showers.
The upper limit for Legionella specified in the Drinking Water Ordinance (this is the translation of “drinking water directive” into international law) is 100 CFU / 100 ml. (CFU means Colony Forming Units).
The regulation only applies to public- and commercial buildings such as multi-family-, residential-, office- and factory sites, retirement homes, hospices, hospitals, schools, sports facilities, swimming pools, hotels etc. Legionella however can also become a big problem in private homes.
Biolight reduces the number of Legionella in drinking water below the permitted values of less than 100 CFU / 100 ml - sometimes even to a non-detectable level. It also reduces simultaneously other germ contamination.